Embracing the Biblical Lifestyle: A Satirical Guide to Modern Living
Blogs About All Things Cultish And Coercive Control
- Jun 22
- 3 min
The Marvellous World of Destructive Cults: A Celebration of Chaos and Control
- May 26
- 3 min
We Are Not a Cult: The Divine Truth About Our Christian Community
- May 23
- 3 min
God Rewards All Those Who Gaslight
The material discussed on the Recover From Coercive Control website might be disturbing to some readers. Use personal discretion to determine if the content is suitable for you. If you feel triggered or otherwise affected, please reach out to the following mental health support agencies.
Lifeline: 13 11 14
Lifeline Crisis Text Service: Text: 0477 13 11 14
Beyond Blue: 1300 224 636
13 Yarn (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander crisis support): 13 92 76
Mental Health Emergency Response Line:
1300 555 788 (Metro) or 1800 676 822 (Peel) or 1800 552 002 (Country/Rurallink)
Book an online counselling session through Recover From Coercive Control
Anyone who is impacted by a cult in Australia is encouraged to reach out to Cult Information and Family Support (CIFS)​
Assessments of groups on this website reflect Renée's personal opinions. Individual experiences of any group can vary; therefore, people are encouraged to conduct their own research and form their own opinions. Renée welcomes alternative perspectives that are respectfully shared.